16 Best Books To Teach Arabic To Your Kids (My Favorites)

Nora Nasr


Nora Nasr

16 Best Books To Teach Arabic To Your Kids (My Favorites)

Hey there parents.

Are you looking to introduce your kids to the beautiful Arabic language?

Well, you'll want to start with the right books.

In this list, I'll introduce you to my favorite Arabic books for kids, focusing on learning the alphabet, words, and more.

Start learning Arabic today

Best Arabic books for kids (alphabet, words, etc. with Arabic translations)

I've compiled a list of the most outstanding Arabic books for children that make learning the language an enjoyable and fun experience.

Each book has different elements that help with the language learning process, so feel free to choose the best fit for your child's learning experience.

Let's dive in and explore these fantastic books:

1. Alif Baa Taa: Learning My Arabic Alphabet (الف باء تاء: تعلم حروف العربية معي

Author: Asma Wahab

First up on our list is Alif Baa Taa.

In this beautifully illustrated book, children are introduced to the Arabic alphabet through a fun and unique approach.

Each Arabic letter is represented by an adorable animal character and a short story, helping kids easily remember the letters and enjoy their learning experience.

The book also includes pronunciation tips, ensuring that children master the sounds of each letter!

2. My First Arabic Words (كلماتي العربية الأولى)

Author: DP Randall

My First Arabic Words is another great children's book!

This colorful and educational book presents children with everyday Arabic words across various topics such as colors, numbers, animals, and family members.

Each word is accompanied by a vibrant illustration and a sentence, providing context for young learners to build their vocabulary and understand how to use the words in everyday situations.

3. Arabic Letters Activity Book (كتاب نشاط حروف العربية)

Author: Learning Roots

If you’re looking for an interactive book for teaching Arabic letters, this one is an awesome choice!

The Arabic Letters Activity Book is packed with various tasks like coloring, tracing, and matching, this interactive book is designed to engage young learners while reinforcing their knowledge of the Arabic alphabet.

The activities are tailored to different skill levels, making them suitable for children at various stages of their Arabic learning journey.

4. Arabic Stories for Language Learners (قصص عربية لتعلم اللغة)

Authors: Hezi Brosh & Lutfi Mansur

Arabic Stories For Language Learners is ideal for slightly older children, this collection of traditional Arabic stories offers an engaging way for kids to expand their vocabulary and improve their reading skills.

With English translations, cultural notes, and vocabulary lists, it's an excellent resource for learning Arabic and fostering a deeper appreciation of Arabic culture.

5. Master the Arabic Alphabet, A Handwriting Practice Workbook اتقان مهارة الخط العربي  

Author: Lang Workbooks

If you’re looking for a book to help your child master calligraphy skills, then Master the Arabic Alphabet is a great choice!

With clear large letters easy to recognize, follow, and practice.

Suggested stroke order shows letters at different positions in the word, helping the learner become familiar with the different letter styles. Examples of Arabic font variation will help your kid stand out in the Arabic language at a very early age!

6. My 100 First Words in Arabic اول كلماتي مع النطق

Author: Salim Kecir

This book is more suitable for a slightly advanced level. It focuses on learning new vocabulary side–by–side with the correct pronunciation.

The book will provide your child with 100 words covering different subjects, combined with their phonetic, transcription, and audio recordings helping your child hold a proper conversation with the correct pronunciation.

7. Learning Arabic Workbook for Beginners تعليم اللغة العربية للمبتدئين

Author: Omar Jabrane

This Learning Arabic Workbook is another amazing book that aims to help children write Arabic letters and words in a short time duration perfectly.

It starts with reviewing and introducing all Arabic alphabet including initial, medial, and final forms with trace and practice spaces provided.

It also provides diacritics for each word, which is very helpful in terms of ensuring that the learner master to read the words correctly right from the beginning.

8. Arabic Short Stories for Beginners قصص عربية قصيرة سهلة

Author: Lingo Mastery

Storytelling is the most engaging and fun way to learn a language and grow your child's vocabulary at the same time!

This book is dedicated to engaging children in everyday life situations by introducing the child to easy short stories.

The summary and synopsis added at the end of every story will help you to review and check your child's understanding.

9. Picture Dictionary English-Arabic قاموس مصور لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال

Author: Michael John

Whether your child is just starting his/her journey to learn Arabic or has already come a long way, Picture Dictionary is a great learning companion to have.

It has revision exercises that help your child acquire new vocabulary in a fun and simple way.

This one provides learners with 1000 words coupled with 1000 colorful pictures covering different aspects of a kid's everyday life!

10. Learn to write Arabic letters & numbers لنتعلم الأعداد والحروف العربية

Author: Khalid Al Almani

Learn to Write Arabic Letters & Numbers is a fantastic exercise book that includes numbers as a core theme, helping to boost your baby's ability to count in the Arabic language.

The book is very easy to introduce to children as young as 4 years old.

It’s also designed to cover all the writing basics and includes child-friendly illustrations for coloring which have been included for each letter in an interactive way!

11. Learn Arabic- puzzle activity تعلم العربية بسهولة

Author: Amer Shebani

This book is recommended as a resource to check your child's progress in a fun and engaging way.

It includes a variety of different exercises such as crosswords, filling in the missing letters, etc to help your child to get familiar with phonetics and letters' different positioning in the word, which is fantastic for language learning.

With consistent practice, this book will train your child's mind and ability to predict phonetics easily and thereby help them read and write most of the Arabic words!

12. Super Easy Verbs for Kids الافعال الاساسية في اللغة العربية

Author: Maher Ben

Grammar is every language learner's concern! Especially when it comes to Arabic.

And although Arabic grammar can be very hard to learn, introducing it at a young age will give your child a big advantage.

Super Easy Verbs for Kids is the best gateway to introduce Arabic Grammar to your child’s learning journey as the book has been designed in a very simple and direct manner which will help child learners tap into basic vocabulary verbs from the first-day learning.

13. Speak Arabic FAST تحدث العربية بسرعة

Authors: Kat Smith & Maya Tawfeek

If you’re moving or visiting an Arabic-speaking country and you want to familiarize your child with the language very quickly then Speak Arabic Fast is what you are looking for.

The book is filled with colorful dynamic comics. It’s easy to read through easy and will teach your child basic conversations like how to introduce themselves, and express their hobbies, sports, likes, and dislikes, etc.

This book is focusing on speaking skills to enable your child to speak one of the most spoken languages in the world!

14. My First Book of Arabic Alphabet كتاب الابجدية العربية

Author: Wonder House Book

Next on our list, we have My First Book of Arabic Alphabet. This book is an ideal selection for toddlers aged 1-3 years as it introduces all basic concepts in the Arabic language in a very simple way that suits a young age.

The book is beautifully designed and will draw your child’s eye immediately with its bright illustrations making it perfect for babies and young children who love visual learning.

And what better place to start than with the Arabic alphabet?

15. Sounds and Shapes of Arabic Letters اشكال واصوات الحروف العربية

Author: Fathi Ahmed Alfaragabi

For teaching the sounds and shapes of the Arabic language, I recommend the Sounds and the Shapes of Arabic Letters book.

This book replaced the traditional ways of learning Arabic letters with a revolutionary method using shapes of letters that were inspired from different illustrations to help  learners identify the letters instantly with strong reminders.

16. Learn Arabic Alphabet and Numbers Workbook سلسة كتب تعلم اللغة العربية

Author: Tiffany McDorman

The last book in our selection is suitable for children of all ages!

This series of books is designed to teach your child Arabic with an effective proven method using repetition of words as main technique leading to an effective memorization of commonly used words and phrases in daily life.

The book includes songs and poems that will imprint the most used expressions in the mind of learner in a fun and smart way!

Why Arabic books for kids are so important

Reading books is incredible for children, and reading Arabic books, in particular, has so many benefits.

Here are a few benefits:

They help to cultivate a love for the Arabic language

Cultivating the love of the language and introducing your children to Arabic books with Arabic translations early on means you're not only helping them learn the language but also nurturing a love for Arabic culture.

The engaging stories and captivating illustrations make learning the language feels more like an adventure than a chore.

They help boost cognitive development

Research shows that learning a second language has numerous cognitive benefits, such as improved memory, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

So, by incorporating Arabic books with translations into your child's routine, you're giving them a head start in life!

They strengthen their cultural connections

For children of Arabic heritage, these books provide an opportunity to connect with their roots and learn about their culture.

The Arabic translations help bridge the gap between languages, making it easier for kids to understand and appreciate the rich history and traditions of the Arab world.

They enhance their communication skills

Arabic books for kids with Arabic translations also play a crucial role in enhancing your child's communication skills.

As they learn new words and phrases, they'll be better equipped to express themselves in both Arabic and English, fostering stronger connections with Arabic-speaking friends and family members.

Reading builds confidence

Learning a new language can be challenging, but with Arabic books for kids that include translations, children can gain confidence in their language skills.

As they make progress, they'll feel a sense of accomplishment, which will encourage them to continue learning and exploring the language further.

Introducing your child to Arabic books with translations is a fantastic way to help them learn the language while also nurturing a love for Arabic culture.

These engaging books offer a fun and interactive approach to language learning, providing your little ones with an enriching and enjoyable educational experience.

It’s time to explore the world of the best Arabic books for kids with Arabic translations and help your child embark on an unforgettable language-learning journey!


1. What age is appropriate to start introducing Arabic books with translations to kids?

While it's never too early to expose children to a new language, you can start introducing Arabic books with translations to kids as young as 3 years old.

At this age, children are generally more receptive to learning and can absorb new information quickly.

2. How can I help my child retain the Arabic words they learn from these books?

Consistency is key!

Make reading Arabic books with translations a part of your child's daily routine. Engage them in conversations using the new words, and encourage them to practice speaking and writing in Arabic.

The more exposure they have to the language, the better their retention will be.

3. Can these Arabic books be used in a classroom setting?


Teachers can use these Arabic books with translations as a resource for language lessons or as supplementary material for cultural studies. The engaging content and illustrations make these books excellent tools for creating a fun and immersive learning environment.

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