Arabic Words & Phrases You Need At The Butcher

Nora Nasr


Nora Nasr

Arabic Words & Phrases You Need At The Butcher

The Arabic language is rich with terminology related to meat and butchery, and this is because the Arabs have a rich culinary tradition.

Whether you're a chef, foodie, or simply passionate about Arab culture and language, understanding these terms will definitely give you a deeper appreciation for the diverse world of Middle Eastern food.

Today I'll teach you the different terms and phrases related to meats and butchery in the Arabic language.

So let’s jump right in.

How do say 'butcher' in Arabic?

There are two words for ‘butcher’ in Arabic: الجزار (al-jizār) and كاسحة اللحوم (kasaha al-lahm). Both of these terms are used to refer to the person who cuts up and sells meat, as well as other related activities.

In addition to the word for 'butcher', there is also a specific phrase used to refer to the act of cutting up meat. This phrase is تقطيع اللحوم (taqtiʿ al-lahum), which literally translates to ‘cutting up the meat’.

For centuries, the butcher has been a cornerstone of Arab culture, supplying generations with a variety of meat cuts and types that are vital to the food chain.

As a result, there are many words and phrases that are used to describe their profession and the activities they’re involved in.

Different types of meats in Arabic

Arabic terms for different cuts of meat vary depending on the type of meat being cut and the region of the Middle East that it’s being cut in.

Here are some terms related to meat and meat types in MSA Arabic:

Arabic Transliteration English
لحم lahm meat
جزمة jazma cut
لحم بقري lahm bqari beef
لحم غنم lahm ghanam lamb
لحم دجاج lahm dajaj chicken
شريحة shariha steak
شرائح طويلة shara'ih tawila rib roast
شرائح شوية shara'ih shwaya chops
كرات اللحم kurat al-lahm meatballs

There are many different types of meat available in the Middle East, and each one is typically prepared in its own unique way.

Different cuts of meat in Arabic

In addition to the common cuts mentioned above, you'll also find a variety of specialty cuts, such as shanks, neck, and shoulder cuts.

Here are some common terms for different cuts of meat in Arabic:

Arabic Transliteration English
صدر الدجاج sadr al-dajaj Chicken breast
جناح الدجاج janah al-dajaj Chicken wings
ذبيحة اللحم البقري dhabiha al-lahm al-baqari Beef steak
جراد اللحم البقري jarad al-lahm al-baqari Ground beef
كمب الخروف kamb al-khoruf Lamb chops

When shopping for meat, it might also be helpful to know a few phrases for asking about quality and freshness:

هل هذا اللحم جديد؟

هل هذا اللحم حليبي؟

كم السعر لكل رطل؟

Here are a few more terms and phrases that might be useful when shopping for meat in Arabic-speaking countries:

Arabic Transliteration English
عصير اللحم a'sir al-lahm meat juice or broth
خصر اللحم khasar al-lahm fat
شرائح اللحم shara'ih al-lahm meat slices
مقشر اللحم muqshar al-lahm meat tenderizer
كستلات اللحم kastlat al-lahm meat cubes
لحم بالجرعة الصغيرة lahm bi-al-jar'ah al-saghirah minced meat

In addition to the words and phrases mentioned above, there are also other terms related to the butcher’s trade.

  • For example, the word for ‘meat’ is اللحوم (al-lahm), while the word for ‘bone’ is العظم (al-ʿazm).
  • The phrase for ‘cleaning the meat’ is نظف اللحوم (naẓif al-lahm), while the phrase for ‘preparing the meat’ is تحضير اللحوم (taḥdīr al-lahm).
  • Other terms include the phrase for ‘cutting the fat’, which is قطع الدهون (qaṭʿ al-dahūn), and the phrase for ‘chopping the meat’, which is تقطيع اللحوم (taqtiʿ al-lahm).

Cooking methods in Arabic

There are also several terms used to describe the different cooking methods used in the Middle East.

Some popular cooking methods include:

Arabic Transliteration English
طبخ على النار tabkh 'ala al-nar grilling
طبخ في الفرن tabkh fi al-forn oven-baking
طبخ في الصدر tabkh fi al-sadr pan-frying
طبخ في المشوي tabkh fi al-mashwi barbecuing
طبخ على الشواية tabkh 'ala al-shwayah boiling

If you’re ordering meat at a restaurant, it's a good idea to also specify how you would like your meat prepared, such as "مشوي" (mashwi) for grilled or "مدخن" (madkhan) for roasting.

In the Middle East, meat is usually a staple ingredient in many traditional dishes, such as kebabs, stews, and soups. Understanding the different types of meat and cuts available is essential for experiencing the full range of flavors and textures that make Middle Eastern cuisine so unique and delicious.

  • For example, beef and lamb are commonly used in Middle Eastern dishes and are typically cooked in a variety of ways, including grilling, roasting, and stewing.
  • Chicken, on the other hand, is a lighter and more versatile meat that can be cooked in many different ways, including grilling, roasting, and frying.
  • Pork, while not as commonly consumed in the Middle East, is still used in some regional dishes and can be found at specialty markets.

Knowing the specific terms for different types of meat and cuts is not only helpful when ordering food at restaurants, but also when shopping for ingredients at markets!

We hope that these words and phrases will help you become more proficient in the Arabic language.

Whether you're a meat lover or simply interested in learning more about the culture and food of the Middle East, learning and practicing these terms will give you a deeper appreciation for the richness of the cuisine!

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