Arabic Quotes And Sayings That Every Learner Should Know

Marwa Al Kaiem


Marwa Al Kaiem

Arabic Quotes And Sayings That Every Learner Should Know

Looking for some inspirational or motivational quotes in Arabic?

We've gathered a list of some of the most well-known Arabic sayings that's going to delight and promote your mindset.

Motivational, self-help quotes and sayings in Arabic

أحب شيء للإنسان ما مُنع.

Ahab shay-en lel-ensan ma mo-ne-aa.

The most beloved thing to humans is what they can't get.

ما ندمت على الصمت مرة، ولكن ندمتُ على الكلام مرات.

Ma na'demt 3la al-samt ma'ra, wa laken na'demt 3la al-kalam marat.

Not for a once have I regretted my silence but I regretted talking for innumerable times.

لقد خلقنا الله أحراراً ولن نستعبد بعد اليوم.

La'kad kha-la-kana Allah Ahraran wa lan nos'ta'bad ba'ad al-yawm.

God has created us to be free and we won't be enslaved any more.

من نسي خطيئته استعظم خطيئة غيره.

Man na'sei kha-te-a-toh esta3-zam ka-te-at ghai-reh.

Who forgot his sin believes that others' sins are inexcusable.

الحياة مدرسة، والناس أسئلة، والأيام إجابات.

Al-ha-ya-to mad-ra-sa-ton, wal-naso as-ela-ton, wal-ayamo eja-bat.

Life is a school, people are questions, and days are answers.

عِش كل لحظة كأنها آخر لحظة في حياتك، عِش بالإيمان، عِش بالأمل، عِش بالحب، عِش بالكفاح، وقدِّر قيمة الحياة.

Esh kol lahza ka-ana-ha akher lahza fe hayatik. Esh bel-eman, esh bel-amal, esh bel-hob, esh bel-ke-fah, wa kad-der qemat al-haya.

Live every moment as if it's the last moment of your life. Live with faith, live with hope, live with love, love with hard-working, and value your life.

من لم يحتمل ذل التعلم ساعة، بقي في ذل الجهل أبداً.

Man lam yahtamel zol al-ta-alom sa-aa, ba-qe-ya fe zol al-jahl aba-dan.

Who couldn't take the learning shame for an hour, rested in the ignorance shame for ever.

عِزة نفسك هي روحك الثانية فحافظ عليها حتى لا تموت مرتين.

Ezat nafsak heya ro-hak al-tha-ne-yah fa-ha-fez alah-ha hat-ta la ta-mota mar-ra-tain.

Your self-esteem is your second soul. Therefore, protect it so you don't die twice.

كُن سطحياً مع من لا تليق بهم الأعماق.

Kon sat-hey-yan ma'aa man la ta-liqo behem al-amaq

Be superficial with those who don't befit your deepness.

Other Arabic quotes on love, passion, and nostalgia

Need Arabic quotes to express your love, passion or feelings of nostalgia?

Memorize the following famous Arabic sayings.

الحب هو أن تراني كل مرة كأول مرة.

Al-hob howa an ta-ra-ny kol mar-ra ka-awal mar-ra.

Love is to see me every time as if it's the first time.

إذا كنتَ تبحثُ عن الكمال فأنتَ لا تبحث عن الحب لأن معجزة الحب تكمن في عشق العيوب.

Eza konta tab-hatho an al-kamal fa-anta la tab-hatho an el-hob le-anna mo-je-zata al-hob tak-mono fe eshqi al-o-yob.

If you're looking for perfection, you're not looking for love because love miracle lies in adoring the imperfections.

نحن نائمون إلى أن نقع في الحب.

Nah-no na'emon ela an na-ke-aa fel-hob.

We fall asleep until we fall in love.

الحب كالقهوة، إذا أكثرتَ منه منعكَ من النوم.

Al-hob kal-kahwa, eza ak-thar-ta menho mana-aka mena al-nawm.

Love is like coffee: too much prevents you from sleeping.

الحب الأول لا يموت، بل يأتي الحب الحقيقي ليدفنه حياً.

Al-hob al-awal la yamot, bal ya'ti al-hob al-haqi-qi le-yad-fena-ho hay-yan.

First love doesn't die. True love comes to bury it alive.

فرقٌ كبير بين أن تحبها لأنها جميلة، وأن تكون جميلة لأنكَ تحبها.

Far-qon kabir bayn an tohi-baha le-anna-ha jamila, wa an takon jamila le-anna-ka tohi-bo-ha.

There's a huge difference between loving her because she's beautiful, and that she's beautiful because you love her.

الحب ليس أعمى، فالعاشق يرى في محبوبه أكثر مما يرى كل الناس.

Al-hob lay-sa a'ma, fal-asheq ya-ra fem ah-bo-beh ak-tha-ra me-ma ya-ra fe kol al-nas.

Love isn't blind, a lover sees in his beloved one more than they see in all humans.

ما هو الحب؟ هو عندما تنظر إليها فيؤلمكَ جمالها.

Ma howa al-hob? Ena-ho en-da-ma tan-zor elay-ha fa-yo-lemoka jamalo-ha.

What's love? It's when you look at her and her beauty hurts you.

الحب ليس معصية. المعصية هي أن تتلاعب بمشاعر الناس تحت مسمى الحب.

Al-hob lay-sa maa-se-yah. Al-maa-se-yah heya al-ta-la-ob be-msha-er al-nas tahta mosa-ma al-hob.

Love is not a sin. The sin is to play with people's feelings in the name of love.

الحب الذي ينتهي ليس حباً حقيقياً.

Al-hob al-lazi yan-ta-hi lay-sa hoban ha-qi-qey-yan.

A love that ends is not a true love.

دموع الحب جميلة إذا وجدت من يمسحها.

Do-moo al-hob jamila eza wa-ja-dat man yam-sah-ha.

Love tears are beautiful if there's someone to wipe them.

لماذا لا يشتاقون مثلنا؟ أليس في مدينتهم ليل؟

Le-maza la yash-ta-qon meth-la-na alay-sa fe ma-dina-tehem layl?

Why don't they miss us like we do? Are their cities nightless?

الحب الحقيقي كالأشباح، كثيرون يتكلمون عنه، وقليلون منهم رأوه.

Al-hob al-haqi-qi kal-ash-bah, kathe-rona yta-kla-mona anho, wa qali-lona menhom ra-oho.

True love resembles ghosts, many talk about them but only few saw them.

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