Arabic Words: Frequency List (1000+ Most Common Words)


Looking for a good, detailed list of Arabic words (frequency list of the most common terms)?
In the table below, we've compiled the first 1000 most frequently-used words (and terms) in Arabic (MSA). At the top of the list, you'll see terms that are used in practically every conversation many times, but the further down you go, the less frequent they are.
Obviously, some of the words below will be different depending on the dialect (these are Modern Standard Arabic).
Arabic Words | Meaning | |
ال | the | |
و | and; with | |
في | in, inside; on (a date); at (a time); about (a topic); among (with pl pronoun) فيكم among you all; could (in requests) هل فينا أنْ could we…? | |
مِن | from; (with following verb or masdar) since | |
ل | for, to | |
ب | with, by | |
بِسَبَب | because of, due to | |
عَلى | on, above | |
أنَّ | that | |
إلى | to, towards; till, until | |
كانَ، يَكونُ، الكَوْن | to be | |
لا | no; not, non- | |
ولا…ولا | neither…nor | |
ألا | doesn’t/didn’t? | |
الله | Allah | |
والله | I swear (by God) | |
أنْ | to | |
لِأنْ | in order to | |
بَعدَ أنْ | after (with perf. or imperf) بَعدَ أنْ ذَهَبَ after he went, | |
بَعدَ أنْ يَذهَبَ | after he goes | |
عَن | from, about | |
عَن طَريق | by way of, via | |
قالَ، يَقولُ، القَوْل | to say إنَّ that, to tell ل sb إنَّ that | |
هذا | this (masc sing) | |
مَعَ | with | |
مَعَ هَذا/ذَلِك | nevertheless | |
معاً | together | |
ألَّتي | (fem sing) who, whom; which, that | |
كُلّ | each; every; all (of) | |
الكُلّ | everyone | |
كُلُّ شَيْءٍ | everything | |
كُلُّ ما | everything that | |
كُلُّ مَن | everyone that | |
كُلُّ مِن | each one of (the following) | |
عَلى كُلٍّ | in any case, anyhow | |
هُوَ | he, it | |
ف | and, so | |
هَذِهِ | this (fem sing) | |
أَوْ | or | |
ألَّذي | (masc sing) who, whom; which | |
أنا | I | |
يَوْم، أيّام | day | |
اليَوْم | today | |
يَوْماً ما | someday | |
يَوماً | ever; (with neg) never | |
لَم | (with jussive) did not | |
ألَم | didn’t…? | |
ما | not | |
أما | don’t/doesn’t/didn’t…? | |
إنَّ | truly; that (after قالَ) | |
ما | what, whatever, that which | |
يَيْنَ/ما بَيْنَ | between; among | |
فيما بَينَنا | among ourselves | |
هِيَ | she; it; they | |
بَعدَ | after | |
يا | O…! | |
ذَلِك | (masc sing) that | |
قَد | (with perf) has/have already | |
كانَ قَد | had already | |
يَكونُ قَد | will have already | |
آخَر، أُخرى | other, another; one more, additional | |
شَيْء، أشياء | thing, something | |
عِندَ | with, next to; at (time, location); (to have) | |
أوَّل، أُولى، أوائِل | first; best, top-most | |
أوَّل | beginning | |
أوائِل | forefathers | |
أوَّلاً | first of all, primarily | |
غَيْر | other (than), different (than); not | |
غَيْر أنَّ | however, but | |
بِغَيْر | without | |
إذا | when, if, whenever; | |
و إذا ب | and (then) suddenly | |
نَفْس، أنفُس | same, self | |
عَرَبيّ، عَرَب | Arab; Arabian; Arabic | |
أيّ | any (in idaafa); what, which; whatever, whoever | |
رَئِيس، رُؤَساء | president, leader; chief, head, chairman; main, chief, | |
principal | ||
عَمَل، أعمال | working; work, activity, action | |
وَطَنيّ | national; nationalistic | |
عَرَفَ، يَعرِفُ، المَعارِفة | to know sth/sb or أنّ that; (perf) to | |
learn, find out أنَّ that | ||
بَعْض | some, several | |
بَعضَ الشَّيْءٍ | a little, to some extent | |
بَعضُهُم بَعضاً | each other | |
مَعَ بَعض | together | |
على بَعض | on top of each other | |
وَراء بَعض | in line, in a row (one behind the other) | |
دَوْلة، دُوَل | state, country | |
كَما | and, also, as well | |
إلّا | except (for), but (for), save | |
إلّا أنَّ | however, except that | |
وإلّا | otherwise | |
أنتَ | you (masc) | |
كَثير | many, much, numerous | |
كَثيراً | very much | |
كَثيراً ما | frequently, often | |
واحِد | one, single | |
لِأنَّ | because | |
لَكِنَّ | (with following noun) however, but | |
لَيْسَ | to not be | |
ألَيْسَ | isn’t…? | |
جَديد، جُدُد | new, modern | |
مِن جَديد | again, anew | |
إنْ | if; whether | |
وإنْ | even if, although | |
ما إنْ... حَتّى | no sooner had… than, had just…when | |
عام، أعوام | year | |
أحَد/إحدى | one (of, someone; anyone; (neg) nobody, no one | |
أكثَر | more/most, greater/est in number | |
كَبير، كِبار | large; great, important, major; adult, senior | |
الكِبار | the adults | |
أخ، إخوان/إخوة | brother | |
يا أخي | my friend; (hey) buddy | |
كَيْفَ | how | |
قَبلَ | before | |
مِن قَبلِ | before, prior to | |
قَبلُ/من قَبلُ | previously, earlier | |
سَنة، سَنَوات | year | |
أمْر، أُمور | matter, issue, concern, affair | |
قُوَّة، ات/قُوىً | power, strength, force | |
هَل | (question marker) | |
خِلال | during, through | |
في خِلال | in the course of | |
في خِلال ذَلِك | meanwhile | |
من خِلال | by means of, through; across, via; on the basis of; based on | |
مَرّة، ات/مِرار | time, moment, occasion | |
مَرّةً | once | |
مَرَّتَيْن | twice | |
مِراراً | repeatedly | |
مَرّاتٍ | several times, repeatedly | |
بِالمَرّة | totally; completely; (with neg) never, not at all | |
رَأَى، يَرى، الرَّؤية | to see sth/sb; to think, believe أنَّ that | |
أب، آباء | بشفاثق | |
الأبَوان | the parents | |
هُناكَ | there, over there; there is, there are | |
تَمَّ، يَتِمُّ، التَّمام | to finish, conclude, come to an end; to take | |
place, be held (event) | ||
حَيْثُ | where, in which (non-question word) | |
حَيْثُ/بِحَيْثُ | so that, in order to | |
حَيْثُ أنَّ | since, because, given that | |
من حَيْثُ ال | in terms of, based on | |
ثانٍ/الثّاني | second, additional; next, following | |
ثانياً | secondly, furthermore | |
ثَانيةً | again, once more | |
حَتّى | until, up to | |
جَميع | all (of); everyone one (of) | |
الجَميع | everyone | |
جَميعاً | altogether; all, entirely | |
مِنطَقة، مَناطِق | region, area, zone, territory | |
حَقّ، حُقوق | truth; legal right; true, right | |
الحُقوق | the law | |
حَقّاً | really, truly | |
أمريكيّ | American | |
مِثْل، أمثال | like, similar to | |
لَوْ | if | |
وَلَوْ | even if | |
لَوْ لا | if not, if it weren’t for | |
عامّ | general, common, public | |
اِسم، أسماء | name | |
أمكَنَ | to be possible (ل for sb) to do sth | |
يُمكِنُ أنْ | it’s possible to (do sth) | |
رَجُل، رِجال | man | |
لَكِن | but | |
عالَم، عَوالِم | world | |
حَياة | life | |
مَوْضوع، مَواضيع | subject, topic, issue, theme; placed, laid down; | |
located, situated | ||
وَزير، وُزَراء | minister | |
نَحنُ | we | |
وَقْت، أوْقات | time, moment, period | |
في الوَقْت الذي | while | |
بَلَد، بِلاد/بُلدان | country, nation | |
مَن | who, whom | |
مَجلِس، مَجالِس | council, board | |
مَجلِس الشَّعْب | parliament | |
مَجلِس الشُّيوخ | US Senate | |
قامَ، يَقومُ، القَوْم | to rise, stand up; to undertake, carry out ب | |
(task, activity); to play ب (a role); to be based على on; (with imperf) | ||
to start to do sth | ||
حُكومة ات | government, administration | |
بَيْت، بُيوت | house; family | |
بَيْت، أبَيات | verse (of poetry) | |
دونَ | without; under, below | |
مِن دَونَ/بِدونَ | without | |
فِلَسطينيّ | Palestinian | |
ثُمَّ | then, afterwards; besides, furthermore | |
جاءَ، يَجيء، الجَيْئة | to come (إلى to); to come to sb; to appear, show | |
up (في in sth written or spoken) | ||
قَلْب، قُلوب | heart; center, essence; overthrowing, toppling (a | |
regime); turning over (pages) | ||
ألْف، آلاف | thousand | |
ناس | people, humans; persons | |
طَريق، طُرُق | road, course; way, method | |
أرْض، أراضٍ/الأراضي | earth, ground; land, territory | |
سَبَب، أسباب | reason, cause | |
شَرِكة ات | company, corporation | |
عَدَد، أعداد | number, quantity; (periodical) issue, edition | |
بَيْنَ أعداد ال | among those who | |
صورة، صُوَر | picture, image, photo; manner, way, form | |
دَوْليّ | international, wold, global | |
دُوَليّاً | internationally, worldwide, globally | |
شَعْب، شُعوب | people, nation | |
عادَ، يَعودُ، العَوْدة | to return, go back إلى to sth; to be attributed | |
إلى to sth/sb; (with imperf) عادَ يَفعَلُ to repeat sth, do sth again; | ||
لم يَعُد to no longer do sth or be sth | ||
إنْ شاء الله | hopefully, God willing | |
كَما شِئْتَ | as you wish | |
الآن | now | |
أرادَ، يُريدُ، الإرادة | to want, desire sth or أنْ to do sth | |
أهْل، أهالٍ/الأهالي | family, relatives, folks; people, inhabitants | |
تِلكَ | (fem sing) that, those | |
عَيْن، عُيون | eye; water spring, water source; spy, secret agent; eye | |
(needle) | ||
الَّذينَ | (masc pl) who, whom | |
شَكْل، أشكال | manner; form, shape; appearance, look | |
عَمَليّة ات | operation, process | |
أمّا | as for…, concerning…, | |
أمّا بَعدُ | and now to our main point | |
خاصّ | special, specific; private, personal; exclusive, elite | |
حَوْلَ | around | about, concerning |
عَمِلَ، يَعمَلُ، العَمَل | to work, function; to make, prepare, build | |
sth | ||
عَنى، يَعني، العِناية | to mean, imply sth or أنّ that | |
عُنِيَ، يُعنى | to be concerned ب with, take an interest ب in | |
وَجَدَ، يَجِدُ، الوَجْد | to find sth/sb | |
يوجِد | there are | |
خَيْر | goodness, good; better (من than), best | |
وَطَنيّ | national; nationalistic; nationalist | |
مَدينة، مُدُن | city | |
اِبْن، أبناء | son | |
أبناء | children | |
أبناء البِلاد | th native population | |
أيضاً | also, as well; besides | |
سَ/سَوْفَ | will | |
طَيِّب | good, nice; pleasant; delicious; OK | |
يَد، الأيدي | hand | |
مَشروع، مَشاريع | project, enterprise; lawful, legal | |
مَشروع قانون | bill, draft law | |
صَوْت، أصوات , voice, sound; vote | ||
أمامْ | front, font part | |
أمامَ | in front of, facing | |
إلى الأمام | forward | |
سَمِعَ، يَسمَعُ، السَّماع | to hear sb, listen (إلى) to sb | |
نِسبة، نِسَب | ratio, rate, percentage | |
بِالنِّسبة إلى | concerning, regarding, in relation to | |
حال، أحوال | situation, condition, case | |
حالاً | immediately, right now | |
شَهُر، شُهور/أشهُر | month | |
بَل | but, rather; in fact | |
بَرنامَج، بَرامِج | program | |
أُمّ، أُمِّهات | mother | |
بِأُم العين | with one’s own eyes; the best, greatest, finest | |
حَرب، حُروب | war, warfare | |
عِندَما | when, as soon as | |
وَضْع، أوْضاع | laying down, putting, placing; drafting (document); | |
situation, state of affairs, status, condition | ||
دَوْر، أدْوار | role, part, task, function; floor (building level); | |
stage; turn (chance to act, play a role) | ||
وَجه، وُجوه | face, font; side; way, manner | |
وَجه، أوْجُه | aspect, facet | |
بِوَجهٍ عامّ/خاصّ | generally/specifically | |
جِدّ | seriousness, earnestness | |
بِجِدٍّ | seriously, in earnest | |
بَدَأَ، يَبدَأُ، البَدء | to start, to begin (في) sth or (with imperf) | |
to do sth | ||
كَلِمة ات | word; remark; speech | |
طِفل، أطفال | child, infant | |
مُنذُ | since, ago; ever since, starting from | |
لَدى | with, by, at; to have | |
أصبَحَ | to become sth; to being, start (to do sth) | |
مَكان، أمكِنة/أماكِن | place, location; position, role, post | |
صارَ، يَصيرُ | to become; to happen; (with imperf) to begin to do | |
مُشكلة، مَشاكِل | problem, issue | |
عَشَرات | tens, scores, dozens | |
وَصَلَ | to arrive إلى at; to connect, link, join (بين) between | |
إسلاميّ | Islamic; Islamist | |
ساعة ات | hour, time, o’clock; clock, watch | |
شَيخ، شُيوخ | sheikh, leader; old man; senator | |
أكَّدَ | to confirm sth or أنّ that; to underscore, emphasize (على) sth | |
or على) أنّ) that | ||
سَلام ات | peace; (pl) greeting, salute | |
السلام الوَطَنيّ | the national anthem | |
سَِّد، سادة | Sir, Mr; lord, master, boss | |
صاحِب، أصحاب | owner, possessor; originator; friend, companion | |
حَرَكة ات | movement, motion, activity; organization, (political) | |
movement | ||
رَبّ، أرباب | lord, master; Lord; owner, proprietor | |
حَدّ، حُدود | extent, limit, level; edge, corner | |
حُدود | border, frontier; range, scope | |
أخَذَ، يَزْخُذ، الأخذ | to take sth; (imperf) to begin to do sth | |
نِظام، نُظُم/أنظِمة | regime, government, system; orderliness | |
ذات، ذَوات | ego, self; (idaafa) a certain, a given (day, time, | |
occasion, person, thing) | ||
بالذّات | exactly, precisely | |
قَضِيّة، قَضايا | problem, issue; lawsuit, legal case | |
ماضٍ/الماضي | past; previous, last; the past | |
إنسان، أُناس | human being | |
حالة ات | condition, state, situation; case, instance | |
أخير | last; latest, recent | |
الأخير | the latter | |
أخيراً | finally; recently lately | |
رَغم، على الرَّغمِ من، بالرَّغمِ من | in spite of, despite | |
جانِب، جَوانِب | side, aspect, part | |
إلى جانِب، بِجانِب | next to, beside | |
حُبّ | affection, love | |
حُبّاً ل | out of affection for, for love of | |
جامِعة ات | university; league | |
قَرار ات | decision, resolution | |
لَقَد | (with perf) has/have already | |
زالَ | to cease | |
لا يَزالُ، ما زالَ، لا زالَ، ما يَزالُ | to continue to be or do sth | |
رَأْس، رُؤُوس | head; tip, top | |
رَأْس مال، رُؤُوس أموال | capital; (geo) cape | |
رَأساً | immediately | |
تَحتْ | bottom part | |
تَحتَ | below, under | |
وِزارة ات | ministry | |
هَدَف، أهداف | goal, target; intention, objective; (sports) goal, point | |
عَلاقة ات | relation, link, tie, connection | |
مُتَّحِد | united | |
مُجتَمَع ات | society | |
مَركَز، مَراكِز | center; station; (sports) ranking, position | |
حَكى، يَحكي، الحِكاية | to tell, relate, report | |
نَتيجة، نَتائِج | result, outcome; consequence | |
نَتيجةً ل | as a result of | |
رَأْي، آراء | opinion, view; idea | |
إدارة ات | administration, management; bureau, office, directorate | |
صَغير، صِغار | small; young; children, youths | |
قانون، قَوانين | law, statues, regulations | |
بما أنّ | because, in light of the fact that, considering that | |
بما في ذلك | including | |
اِستَطاعَ | to be able ْأن/vn. to do sth, to be capable أنْ/vn. of | |
doing sth | ||
ماء، مِياه | water; liquid; juice | |
مِياه | (body of) water | |
أمْن | safety, security, protection; order, control, discipline | |
قَدَّمَ | to offer, present sth; to submit (request, complaint) to apply | |
على for (position) | ||
شَخص، أشخاص | person, individual | |
كَلام | speech, talk; statement, remark; saying, quote | |
مَوقِع، مَواقِع | position, location, site; website | |
مِئَة، مائِة | hundred | |
مئات | hundreds | |
حينَ | when | |
داخِلْ | interior, inside | |
داخِلَ | inside (of) | |
وَحدة ات | unity, solitude, loneliness; unit, item; portion, selection | |
أُمّة، أُمَم | nation; people, community | |
مُهِمّ | important, serious | |
من المُهِمّ | the important thing is that, what’s important is | |
مِليُون، مَلايين | million | |
دُكتور، دَكاتِرة | doctor (physician or holder of doctorate); (title) | |
Dr | ||
فِعْل، أفعال | doing; deed, act, action, (ling) verb | |
فِعلاً، بالفعل | really, actually, in fact | |
بِفِعل | because of, owing to | |
حُلو | sweet, nice pleasant | |
فَريق، فرقاء | team, group, band; faction, party; (pl) lieutenant | |
general | ||
بَقِيَ، يَبقى البَقاء | to remain, stay (على in a state); to last, | |
endure; to be left over; to continue doing sth or being sth; (with neg) | ||
to no longer do sth or be sth | ||
لَجنة، لِجان | committee, council, commission | |
مُختَلِف | different, divergent; various; in disagreement (في/على about | |
sth) | ||
وَجَبَ، يَجِبُ | to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth; to be | |
incumbent upon على sb أنْ to do sth | ||
نَظَر، أنظار | looking إلى at; examining, looking في into; view, | |
looking, glance, opinion | ||
نَظَراً ل | due to, in view of the fact that | |
مَجال ات | area, space; field, domain, sphere; sector; arena | |
مَجال جَوِّيّ | air space | |
فَتْرة، فَتَرات | time period, phase, interval | |
شَبّ، شَباب | young man, youths | |
شَأْن، شُؤون | matter, affair, case; situation, condition | |
ذَكَرَ، يَذكُرُ، الذِّكر | to mention sth/sbh; to remember sth/sb; | |
يُذكَر أنّ | it’s worth mentioning that | |
سُؤال، أسئِلة | question, inquiry | |
وُجود | existence, presence, being present | |
حَلّ | solving (a problem); solution; dissolution, annulment; | |
cancellation | ||
طالِب | student, applicant; seeking, requesting | |
مُستَوىً، مُستَوَيات | level, standard | |
وَاللّهِ | by God; I swear (an oath) | |
وحياتك | I swear (on your life) | |
أمْ | or (in questions) | |
أمْ لا؟ | …or not? | |
فَقَط | only, just, solely | |
..ليس..فقط بل | not just… but (also) … | |
وِلاية ات | mandate, term of office; state, province | |
قَدْ | (imperf) may, might | |
عَضو، أعضاء | member, associate; (anat) organ, limb | |
حَتّى | (with subjunctive) in order to, so that | |
عُمْر، أعمار | age (of a person); life, lifetime | |
دائِم | lasting, enduring; permanent, constant | |
سابِقٍ | former, previous, preceding | |
سابِقاً | formerly, perviously | |
خَبر، أخبار | news, report; (gram) predicate | |
تاريخ | date, history | |
دِراسة ات | study, research, examination | |
مَوقِف، مَواقِف | position | |
حِزْب، أحزاب | political party | |
مُؤَسَّسة ات | institution, organization; foundation | |
أضافَ، يُضيفُ، الإضافة | to add sth | |
قِطاع ات | sector, section | |
قِطاع غَزّة | Gaza Strip | |
مَجموعة ات | collection, group; squad; bloc | |
سَلَّمَ | to turn over, surrender sth إلى to sb; to great, salute sb | |
سَلِّم لي على | give my regards to | |
سوق، أسواق | market | |
حَمْد | praise, commendation | |
دَخَلَ، يَدخُلُ، الدُّخول | to enter sth | |
باب، أبواب | door, gate; category, rubric; section, chapter | |
مِمّا | which | |
أجْل | sake | |
من أجلِ/لأجلِ | because of, for the sake of | |
لأجلِ أنْ | in order to | |
اِتِّحاد ات | unification, unifying; union | |
تَحقيق ات | achievement, realization; investigation; interrogation | |
(مع of sb) | ||
الفُنون الجَميلة | fine arts | |
نَوْع، أنواع | type, kind, form | |
نَوْعاً ما | somewhat, more or less | |
طَلَعَ | to appear, emerge rise; to go outcome out, get out | |
خِدمة، خَدَمات | service, assistance, aid | |
فيما | while, meanwhile | |
فيما بَعدُ | later | |
حاليّ | present, current | |
حاليّاً | presently, currently | |
حُكم، أحكام | rule, government; (pl) judgement, decision, verdict; | |
statutes laws | ||
بِحُكمِ | by virtue of, because of | |
أشارَ، يُشيرُ، الإشارة | to indicate, mention, cite, refer to إلى sth | |
جِهة ات | side; direction; part, party; sector, office, institution | |
جِهات | entities, parties, individuals, “players” | |
نَحوَ | towards, approximately | |
طَويلاً | for a long time, extensively | |
كَذَلِكَ | likewise, also | |
حاوَلَ | to attempt, try to do sth | |
قَوْل، أقوال | statement, remark; saying, utterance | |
اِمرَأة/المَرأة | woman, wife | |
حَقيقة، حَقائِق | truth, reality; fact | |
جَعَلَ، يَجعَلُ، الجِعل | to make sb/sth do sth (imperf); to cause | |
sb/sth to be sth; to appoint sb; to begin to do sth (imperf) | ||
لَمّا | when, after | |
سَأَلَ، يَسألُ | to ask sb (في/عن about; إذا/إنْ whether); to request | |
from sb (أنْ to do sth); to pray to (God) | ||
عاشَ، يَعيشُ، العِيْش | to live, be alive, to experience sth | |
مُواطِن ون | citizen, compatriot | |
سُلطة، سُلُطات | power, rule, authority | |
سُلُطات | authorities, people in power | |
بَدا، يَبدو | to appear, seem (ل to sb, أنّ that); to look, seem (big, | |
small, happy, sad, etc) | ||
على ما يَبدو/كَما يَبدو | evidently, apparently, it seems | |
اِقتِصاديّ | economic, economical | |
بَحْث، أبحاث | search (عن for); discussion (في of); | |
research, examination (في of) | ||
دين، أديان | religion | |
حَمَلَ، يَحمِلُ، الحَمَل | to carry, bear sth; to transport (cargo); to | |
become pregnant, to attack على sth, campaign على against | ||
عَسكَريّ | military; solider | |
كَم | how many/much | |
جَيْش، جُيوش | army; armed forces; troops | |
جِهاز، أجهِزة | apparatus, machine; device, appliance; organization; | |
agency, bureau, office | ||
مُشارَكة | participation, association | |
طَبْع | nature, character; printing | |
طَبعاً/بالطَّبع | of course, naturally | |
اِعتَبَرَ | to consider sth/sb to be; to regard sb/sth as; to believe | |
أنّ that | ||
أحَبَّ | to love, like sb; to want, like sth or to do sth | |
أتى | to come إلى to sth; to come to sb; to bring ب sth | |
خَرَجَ، يَخرُجُ، الجُروج | to exit, go out من/عن from; to leave من (a | |
place); to deviate عن from; | ||
أعطى | to give, provide sth to sb or ل to sb | |
حَبيب، أحباب/أحِبّة | dear, darling, beloved, sweetheart | |
فَوْقْ | top, upper part | |
فَوْقَ | above, over | |
خارِِجْ | outside, outer part, exterior | |
خارِجَ | outside of | |
في الخارِج/بالخارِج | overseas, abroad | |
خارِجاً | outside | |
مَثَل، أمثال | example; proverb | |
مَثَلاً | for example | |
رَقْم، أرقام | number, numeral, figure; rate; record | |
ضِدّْ | opposite | |
ضِدَّ | against | |
جَرى، يَجرى، الجَري | to occur, take place, to happen ل to sb; to flow, | |
run (liquid); to run (person) وراء after sb | ||
مَسؤول | official, functionary; employer, boss, supervisor; responsible, | |
dependable | ||
بَعيد، بِعاد | distant, far, remote | |
بَعيداً عن | far away from | |
كَبَبَ | to write sth | |
كُتِبَ لَهُ | to be granted (success) | |
كُتِبَ عليهِ أنْ | to be destined (by God) to | |
حين، أحيان | time, moment, opportunity | |
وَضَعَ، يَضَعُ، الوَضَع | to put, place sth في/على/تحت inside/on/under; | |
to lay down (rules, conditions); to lay (an egg); to give birth to (a | ||
child); to write, compile, draft, compose sth | ||
نائِب، نُوّاب | deputy, delegate, vice- | |
خاصّةً | especially, particularly | |
الخاصّة | the elite, the upper-class | |
وَلَد، أوْلاد | child, son, boy | |
دَم، دِماء | blood | |
صَحيح | true, correct; sound, healthy; authentic (Hadith); yes, right | |
صَحيحاً | really, truly | |
مَرحَلة، مَراحِل | phase, stage, step; (sports) round | |
اِجتِماعيّ | social | |
حَديث، أحاديث | discussion, conversation, talk; story, interview; Hadith | |
سِياسة ات | politics; (pl) policy | |
طَرَف، أطراف | edge, side; tip, end; extremity (body limb); participant, | |
player, party, team | ||
وَطَن، أوْطان | nation, homeland | |
رُبَّما/لَرُبَّما | perhaps, maybe | |
قَليل | few, small amount | |
قَليلاً | a little, somewhat; briefly, shortly | |
عَلِمَ | to know sth or أنّ that; of find out أنّ that | |
حَتّى | even, including; although, even though | |
مُدير | director, manager; (office) boss, chief | |
نِهاية | end, finish; termination, ending | |
إضافة | addition | |
بالإضافة إلى | in addition to | |
واقِع | reality, fact; actual situation; falling (date), occurring | |
(time); located, found, situated (place) | ||
كامِل | complete, full; integral, perfect | |
بالكامِل | completely | |
عَبرَ | across, over, via; through, by means of | |
شَرق | east | |
شَرقاً | eastward | |
ظَلَّ، يَظُلُّ | to stay, remain; to continue to be; (imperf) to keep on | |
doing | ||
تَعليم | education, teaching; instruction | |
تَعليمات | instructions, guidelines | |
تَعاليم | precepts | |
روح، أرواح | spirit, should; life | |
أفضَل | better/best | |
مال | money, capital | |
أموال | assets, funds, monies | |
لَيْلٍ/اللَّيْلي | night, night-time | |
لَيْلاً | by night | |
لَيْلاً ونَهاراً | day and night | |
أُسبوع، أسابيع | week | |
مُؤْتَمَر ات | conferences, congress, convention | |
لِقاء ات | meeting, encounter; interview | |
رَدَّ، يَرُدُّ، الرَّدّ | to answer على sb, to respond على to sth/sb; to | |
return, reciprocate (a favor) | ||
كَي/لِكَي | in order to, so that | |
بِناء | building, constructing, erecting; structure, building, edifice | |
بِناء على | based on, according to | |
طَريقة | method, procedure, way | |
أعلى/عُليا | higher/highest; advanced, superior | |
أعلاه | above (mentioned), aforementioned | |
مُمكِن | possible | |
دَعم | support, assistance, bolstering, promotion | |
مَصدَر، مًصادِر | source | |
حَدَثَ، يَحدُثُ | to happen, occur, take place | |
لَحظة، لَحَظات | moment, instant | |
فُرصة، فُرَص | chance, opportunity | |
نادي، أندية | club, association | |
مَعلومات | information, data | |
هَيئة ات | agency, organization; outward appearance, look | |
قِصّة، قِصَص | story, tale | |
بِداية ات | beginning, start; starting point | |
بِدايات | origins, early history | |
جُنوب | south, southern part | |
دَرى، يَدري | to know, be aware of sth or ب sth or أنّ | |
دَعا، يَدعو، الدَعوة | to call إلى for sth; to call (upon) sb إلى to do | |
sth; to invite sb إلى to or to do sth | ||
مُباراة، مُبَريات | game, match, bout; competition | |
إذ | as, since, seeing that; while, when | |
إذ أنّ | since, given that | |
اِعتَقَدَ | to believe في in sth, or بأنّ/أنّ that | |
according to | ||
دَقيقة، دَقائِق | minute | |
مَلِك، مُلوك | king | |
أعلَنَ | to announce, declare, proclaim (عن) sth or أنّ that | |
قيمة | value, worth, importance | |
قِيَم | values, morals, ethics | |
لاعِب | player, athlete; playing | |
أدّى، يُؤدّي | to cause, produce إلى sth; to lead, direct, guide ب sb إلى to; to perform (function), to carry out (duty, mission); to take | |
(test, oath) | ||
مادّة، مَوادّ | substance, material; subject matter, topic; (school) course, subject; article, paragraph; material things, money | |
خَظ، خُظوظ | line; phone line; air route; airline (company); handwriting; script, calligraphy | |
عَرْض، عُروض | show, display presentation; offer, tender; width, | |
breadth | ||
رِسالة، رَسائِل | letter, missive; message, communication; dissertation, | |
thesis | ||
رِسالات | mission, task | |
اِنتِخاب ات | election, selection | |
مَعنىً، مَعانٍ/الَمعاني | sense, meaning, significance; concept, nuance | |
نُقطة، نِقاط | point, dot; location, position | |
قَوِيّ | strong, powerful; great | |
حِوار ات | discussion, conversation, dialogue, talk | |
رَدّ، رُدود | response, reply | |
رَدّ فِعل | reaction | |
لُغة ات | language | |
بَلَغَ، يَبلَغُ، البُلوغ | to reach, arrive at, attain sth; to hear أنّ | |
that | ||
سِعر، أسعار | price, cost, rate | |
حَصَلَ، يَحصُلُ، الحُصول | to get, obtain, acquire على sth | |
أقَلّ | less/least, smaller/smallest, lower/lowest; minimum | |
قَلَّ، يَقُلُّ | to be less (عن than), decrease, diminish | |
تَمام | exact; complete; good, fine | |
تَماماً | exactly; completely, totally | |
صَباح | morning | |
صَباحاً | in the morning | |
مَوجود | existing, found, located; present | |
تَمَنّى | to wish ل sb (happiness, success); to hope أنْ that | |
مَرَض، أمراض | illness, disease | |
تَحَدَّثَ | to speak إلى/مع to/with sb; to discuss عن (a topic) | |
أهَمّ | more/most important | |
بُدّ | escape, avoidance | |
لا بُدَّ من | there’s no escaping, it’s inevitable | |
فَعَلَ، يَفعَلُ، الفِعْل | to do sth | |
طَلَبَ، يَطلُبُ | to request, ask for sth (من from sb); to apply for | |
sth; to order, place an order for sth; look for sth; to fail, press | ||
(number on a phone) | ||
صِحّة | health, wellness; authenticity, truth | |
وَقَعَ، يَقِعُ | to fall down; to take place; to be located | |
لازِم | necessary, required; needed | |
تَعاوُن | cooperation | |
زَوْج، أزواج | spouse; husband | |
زَوْجان | married couple | |
لِذَلِك | therefore | |
تالٍ/التّالي | following, subsequent | |
بِالتّالي | therefore, consequently | |
شارِع، شَوارِع | street | |
الشّارِع | (figurative) the public, public opinion | |
نار، نيران | fire; gunfire; hellfire | |
عَديد | large number, large quantity; numerous, many | |
صَلّى، يُصَلّي، الصَّلاة | to pray; to worship; to say a prayer على for | |
sb | ||
فِكرة، أفكار | idea, concept, notion (عن about) | |
على فِكرة | now that you mention it, by the way | |
تَرَكَ، يَترُكُ، التُّرك | to leave (behind), quit, abandon, sth | |
دَرَجة ات | degree, grade, level; class, rank | |
آخِر، أواخِر | last, final, concluding; end, tail, conclusion; bottom, | |
foot | ||
إلى آخِرِهِ | et cetera | |
أخيراً ولَيسَ آخِراً | last but not least | |
اِجتِماع ات | meeting, gathering | |
قَريب | near, close; related | |
وَسَط، أوساط | middle, center; environment | |
وَسطَ | amid, among, in the middle of | |
أوْساط | diplomatic circle, quarters | |
نَظَرَ، نَنظُرُ، النَّظر | to look إلى at; to examine, look في into | |
واضِح | clear, explicit; obvious, visible | |
مَوْت | death | |
خُصوص | regarding this matter, issue; in this regard, respect | |
خُصوصاً | especially, particularly | |
إنّما | but rather, on the contrary; (not just) but (also) | |
مَصلَحة، مَصالِح | interest, advantage, favor; department, agency | |
أساس، أُسُس | foundation, base; basis, principle | |
أساساً | basically, fundamentally | |
على الأساسِ | on the basis of | |
في الأساسِ | in principle | |
صَحيفة، صُحُف | newspaper | |
وَقَفَ، يَقِفُ | to stop, cease (doing sth); to stand, rise | |
stop! | ||
وَقَفَ جَنبَهُ | to stand by, support sb | |
ذَهَبَ، يَذهَبُ، الذَّهاب | to go, leave, depart | |
زِيارة ات | visiting, visit | |
رائِع | fantastic, amazing, marvelous, magnificent, awesome | |
إجراء | conducting, carrying out, undertaking; procedure, process; step, | |
measure; move, action | ||
اِتِّصال ات | contact, communication; connection, relation, | |
relationship | ||
دُنيا | world | |
حَبَّ، يُحِبُّ، الحُبّ | to love, like sb; to want, like sth or to do | |
sth | ||
زَوْجة ات | wife | |
تَنفيذ | execution, implementation, carrying out | |
لَوْن، ألوان | color, tint, hue; type, sort, kind | |
قَديم، قُدَماء | old, ancient | |
قُدامى | old-timers, veterans | |
قادِم | next, following, future; arriving, coming | |
كُرة ات | ball, globe, sphere | |
زادَ، يَزيدُ، الزِّيادة | to grow, increase; to exceed, go beyond على/عن | |
sth; to increase, add to (من) sth | ||
عِدّة | (idaafa) a number of, (invariable) several, numerous | |
عَودة | return, going; return trip | |
عالٍ/العالي | high, elevated | |
سِوى | other than, except for | |
بَحر، بِحار | sea | |
شَعَرَ، يَشعُرُ، الشِّعر | to feel, be aware of ب sth | |
تَقرير، تَقارير | report, account | |
مَرَّ، يَمُرُّ، المَرارة | to pass by, go by (time, event); to pass by, | |
go past على/ب sth/sb; to visit, stop by على (sb’s place) | ||
نِساء | women | |
فَتَحَ، يَفتَحُ، الفَتْح | to open sth; to open, start (a business); to turn on (lights, radio, TV); to conquer (city, land) | |
شَهِدَ، يَشهَدُ، الشَّهادة | to witness, observe, see sth/sb; to testify, bear witness | |
سِلاح، أسلِحة | weapon; branch of the armed forces | |
سِلاح الجَوّ | air force | |
عِلم | knowing; knowledge, information | |
عِلماً أنّ | knowing that, in view of the fact that | |
إعادة | repeating, doing sth again; returning, giving sth back | |
لَيْلة، اللَّيالي/لَيالٍ | night, evening | |
اللَّيْلة | tonight | |
ثَقافة ات | culture, civilization | |
داخِليّ | internal, domestic | |
مُنَظَّمة ات | organization | |
فِكْر، أفكار | thinking, thought; idea, concept, notion | |
رَسول | messenger (Muhammad) | |
رُسُل | messenger, apostle | |
جُزء، أجزاء | part, section, piece; portion, fraction | |
اِنتَهى | to end, finish, conclude sth | |
غَريب، غُرَباء | strange; stranger, foreigner | |
غُرفة، غُرَف | room, chamber | |
مُرور | passing (of time); going through; passing by; stopping by (to visit); traffic | |
كَلِمة المُرور | password | |
مُروراً ل | passing, crossing, going through, via | |
حُرِّيّة ات | freedom | |
تَسلَمُ | thanks! | |
زِيادة | increase, rise, growth; addition, supplement | |
قائِد، قادة | leader, commander | |
وَسيلة، وَسائِل | device, instrument, medium, means | |
نَقْل | transportation, transfer; transmission, relaying (of news) | |
نَقْلاً عن | quoting, as reported by | |
حَقيقيّ | true, real, factual, authentic | |
اِحتاجَ | to need, want إلى sth/sb | |
مُستَقبَل | (noun) future | |
مُستَقبَلاً | in the future | |
مَحكَمة، مَحاكِم | court, tribunal | |
قِيادة | leadership, command; driving (a vehicle), piloting (an aircraft) | |
قِيادات | leaders, commanders | |
دِفاع | defense (military, legal, sports); protection | |
سَبيل، سُبُل | way, road; means | |
عِلميّ | scientific, scholarly, academic | |
خِيال عِلميّ | science fiction | |
بَينَما | while | |
أصل، أُصول | source, origin; descent, lineage; original, master copy | |
أصلاً | originally, primarily | |
أُصول | principles, basic rules; funds, assets, capital | |
عِلم، عُلوم | science; the study of... | |
أمْنيّ | security, safety, protection | |
مَنزَل، مَنازِل | house, residence | |
زَمَن | time, period, duration | |
بَيان | statement, declaration; bulletin, communiqué; press release | |
بَيانات | data, information | |
غَنيّ عن البَيان | needless to say, it goes without saying | |
غَربيّ | Western; Westerner; west of | |
أثَر، آثار | record, trace; sign, mark; effect, influence immediately after | |
ضَرورة | necessity, need | |
بالضَّرورة | necessarily | |
كَريم، كِرام | noble, distinguished; decent, dignified; generous; dear, precious | |
أساسيّ | basic, fundamental | |
وَرَقة، وَرَق/أوْراق | (collective) paper; leaves; cards | |
الوالِدان | parents | |
جَمعيّة ات | association, society | |
رَسميّ | official, formal | |
رَسمياً | officially, formally | |
أُستاذ، أساتِذة | professor, teacher; (title) Prof, Mr; (polite) sir | |
اِحتِلال | occupation (of land or property); filling (a post, a position) | |
أبيَض/بَيضاء/بِيض | white; whites, Caucasians | |
مَكتَب، مَكاتِب | office, bureau, department | |
مُنتَدىً، مُنتَدَيات | assembly room, gathering place; (Internet) forum | |
مُقاوَمة | resistance, opposition | |
شِعر | poetry | |
مُحَلّيّ | local | |
مُحَلّيّاً | locally | |
عَظيم، عِظام | great, mighty, powerful | |
إعلام | information, media; informing, notifying | |
فيلم، أفلام | film, movie | |
طَبيعيّ | natural, normal | |
طَلَب ات | request; demand; application; (purchase) order behind, past, beyond | |
إلى الوَراء | backward, in reverse | |
وَحْد | (with pron) alone, by itself, only it | |
فَهِمَ، يَفهَمُ، الفَهْم | to understand sth/sb or في sth or أنّ that | |
بِلا | without | |
دَعوة ات | call; invitation; propaganda; (Islamic) missionary work | |
خَطوة، خَطَوات | step, stride; measure | |
تَقديم | offering, presenting, submitting | |
مَدىً | range, extent, reach; time period, duration | |
تَجرِبة، تَجارِب | experiment, test; experience, encounter; trial, ordeal | |
وَحيد | only, sole, exclusive; alone | |
أمير | prince, commander | |
مُدّة | time period, length of time, interval | |
تَغْيير ات | change, modification; replacement, switch | |
ماتَ، يَموتُ، المَوْت | to die, pass away | |
دار، دِيار/دور | house, home, abode; family, household | |
دُخول | entering; entrance | |
أهَمّيّة | importance, significance | |
صَعْب | difficult, hard | |
مُقبِل | next, coming, approaching, nearing | |
حَدَث، أحداث | event, incident | |
دَوْرة ات | (sports) championship, tournament; cycle, turn, rotation, lap; circulation; round (elections); session (meeting); tour, patrol, round; (school) course, class | |
دَوْرة مِياه | bathroom, toilet | |
نَشاط، أنشِطة | activity, movement, action | |
ضِمنَ | within, inside; among | |
فَنّيّ | artistic, technical; technician | |
أوُضَحَ، يوضِحُ، الإيضاح | to clarify, explain (ل to sb) أنّ that | |
قُدرة، قُدُرات | capacity, ability, potential, power | |
نِصْف | half, middle, semi- | |
صَراحة | sincerity, candor, frankness | |
بِصَراحة/صَراحةً | frankly | |
جَماعة ات | group, party; gang | |
مَعرِفة | knowing sth/sb; meeting sb, becoming acquainted with sb | |
مَعارِف | knowledge, information; culture, education | |
ظَهَرَ، يَظهَرُ، الظُّهور | to appear; seem كَأنّ as if | |
مُواجَهة ات | facing, confronting, encountering; confrontation, encounter | |
رَجَعَ، يَرجَعُ، الرُّجوع | to return, go back, come back إلى to; to even عن (one’s decision); to go back (بِكَلامِهِ on one’s word) | |
إيّا | (with object pron) to/of it | |
وَإيّا | (with object pron) with it | |
بُطولة ات | heroism; starring role; championship, tournament | |
نَجاح ات | success | |
شُرطة | police | |
لَعِبَ، يَلعَبُ، اللَّعِب | to play (game, role) | |
تَنمية | development, growth; progress | |
حاجة ات | need, want (for what one lacks); desire, wish; objective, purpose, goal | |
بِحاجة إلى | in need of | |
فَكَّرَ | to think في/ب about sth/sb; to consider في أنّ doing sth; to | |
think believe أنّ that | ||
تَطوير | development, advancement; promotion, encouragement | |
شَمال | north; northern | |
بَنك، بُنوك | bank (financial institution) | |
فَرْد، أفراد | individual, person | |
فَرداً فَرداً | one by one, separately, individually | |
قَدَم، أقدام | foot (also as a unit of measure) | |
عامِل، عُمّال | employee, worker, laborer; operator; regent, prefect | |
العامِلون | staff, workforce, personnel | |
ثَقافيّ | cultural, intellectual, educational | |
قاعِدة، قَواعِد | rule, principle, basis; military base | |
عاديّ | regular, normal; ordinary | |
أكيد | sure, certain, definite | |
أكيداً | definitely, for sure | |
سَواء | except, whether (or not), regardless, either (or); equality | |
يَوْميّ | daily | |
يَوْميّاً | every day, on a daily basis; per diem | |
صَلاة، صَلَوات | prayer | |
شاعِر، شُعَراء | poet | |
حُلْم، أحلام | dream | |
وُصول | attainment, achievement | |
قَتَلَ، يَقتُلُ، القَتْل | to kill (often passive) | |
سُرعة | speed | |
بِسُرعة | quickly | |
عَزيز، أعِزّاء | dear, precious | |
مَساء | evening | |
عُنوان، عَناوين | address; title, headline; URL | |
طَبيب، أطِبّاء | physician, doctor | |
اِستِخدام | usage, using, utilization | |
عَقْل، عُقول | mind, intellect | |
عيد، أعياد | holiday, festival, feast | |
أمَل، آمال | hope, wish | |
أمَلاً | hoping, wishing, in the hope (في أنْ that) | |
خارِجيّة | foreign ministry, foreign office | |
دَفَعَ، يَدفَعُ، الدَّفْع | to push sth; to pay (a sum of money); to compel, move sb إلى to do sth | |
قِيام | undertaking, carrying out ب (task, activity); playing ب (a role); rising, standing up | |
مُنتَخِب ات | elected; national team | |
جُرديّ، جُنود | soldier | |
إذَن/إذاً | therefore, consequently | |
اِتِّفاق ات | agreement; accord, treaty | |
نور، أنوار | light; lamp | |
شَديد | intense, strong, severe | |
شَعبيّ | popular; national, of the people | |
مُحافظة ات | province, governorate | |
اِنتَظَرَ | to expect, wait for sth/sb | |
مَثَّلَ | to represent, speak for sb; to play, act as sb (film); to exemplify, illustrate sth | |
ظَرْف، ظُروف | circumstance, condition, situation | |
أُسرة، أُسَر | family, community | |
قَريّة، قُرىً | village | |
مُقابِل | opposite (to), corresponding (to), vis-à-vis | |
جَوّ، أجواء | air, atmosphere; weather, climate | |
جَوّاً | by air, by plane | |
وِكالة ات | agency; office; dealership; proxy, deputation, power of attorney | |
خُطّة، خُطَط | plan, project | |
مَدَنيّ | civil; civilian | |
شارَكَ | to participate, share (with sb) في in sth | |
نَزَلَ، يَنزِلُ، النُّزول | to descend; stay في at | |
صَحّ | right, correct; true | |
أزمة، أزَمات | crisis, crunch | |
بَحَثَ، يَبحَثُ، البَحْث | to look, search عن for; to discuss, debate (في) sth; to research, examine, look into في sth | |
مَملَكة | kingdom | |
إطلاق | releasing, launching; (النّار) firing, shooting | |
إطلاقاً/على الإطلاق | (yes) absolutely, definitely; (no) not at all | |
على وَجه الإطلاق | for sure | |
أوْسَط/وُسطى | middle, central | |
مُحاوَلة ات | attempt, effort | |
قَدَرَ، يَقدُرُ، القُدرة | to be able to, be capable of (doing sth) | |
أسوَد، سَوداء، سود | black; black people | |
قِسْم، أقسام | section, portion; department, division | |
تَحديد | specification; definition | |
تَحديداً | specifically | |
خَلْف | back, rear part | |
من خَلف | behind (of) sth/sb | |
من الخَلف | from the back, from the rear; at the back, in the rear | |
شَمس | (feminine) sun | |
مَزيد | addition, added amount, greater number (من of); more, additional, increased (من) | |
تَعَرَّضَ | to be exposed إلى to sth; to encounter, run into, have to deal with إلى sth | |
اِهتِمام | interest, attention; care, concern | |
دينيّ | religious; spiritual | |
مُساعَدة ات | help, support | |
مُساعَدات | aid | |
كافّة | (idaafa) all of, the entirety of | |
كافّةً | all together | |
عَبْد، عَبيد | servant, slave | |
العِباد | humanity, humankind | |
غَرْب | west; West | |
غَرْباً | westward, in the west | |
عاصِمة، عَواصِم | capital city | |
إطار | framework, context | |
صِحّيّ | health-related, sanitary | |
مَشكور | thankful, grateful; thanks! | |
حُضور | arrival, coming; attending, being present at (meeting, party, concert); viewing (film, TV show) | |
مَحَلّ، ات/مَحالّ | place, location; shop, store | |
يَهوديّ، يَهود | Jew, Jewish | |
تَنظيم ات | organizing, planning; regulating, controlling; organization, network | |
رِياضة | sports; physical exercise; physical education; mathematics | |
فَضْل | favor, grace; kindness, goodwill; distinction, merit, credit; surplus | |
بَفَضْل | due to, thanks to | |
فَضْلاً عن | aside from, not to mention | |
فَضلاً عن ذلك | futhermore, moreover | |
أثناء/ في أثناء | during | |
في هذه/تلك الأثناء | meanwhile | |
حَقَّقَ | to achieve, realize (success, goals); to serve, promote (interests); to investigate في sth; to interrogate مع sb | |
رَفَضَ، يَرفُضُ، الرَّفْض | to reject, refuse sth | |
شَخصيّة ات | personality, identity; person, individual | |
أمين، أُمَناء | trustee, keeper; secretary; loyal, faithful, reliable | |
أمين الصُّندوق | treasurer | |
مُستَشفىً، مُستَشفَيات | hospital | |
طولْ | length; height | |
طولَ | throughout, during (the entire) | |
كَذا | thus, like that, in this way | |
كَذا وكَذا | such-and-such, so-and-so | |
كَذا وكَيْتَ | this and that | |
طاقة | energy, power; potential, ability | |
قائِل | saying; (noun) saying | |
كاتِب، كُتّاب/كَتَبة | writer, author; office worker, clerk; writing | |
مَعروف | known, well-known; favor, kind gesture, good deed; what is right | |
رِياضيّ | sports, sportive; mathematical; mathematician | |
رِياضيّات | mathematics | |
تَربية رِياضية | P.E. | |
اِتَّصَلَ | to contact ب sb, get in touch ب with sb; to be connected or related إلى to sth | |
أجنَبيّ، أجانِب | foreign, foreigner | |
جُمهور، جَماهير | multitude, public, the masses | |
اِستَمَرَّ | to last, go on (for a certain amount of time); to continue doing sth | |
قَرَأَ، يَقرَأُ، القِراءة | to read sth | |
سَماء، سَمَوات | sky, heaven | |
نَسِيَ، يَنسى، النِّسيان | to forget sth/sb | |
حَهْد، جُهود | effort, exertion; endeavor | |
شَهيد، شُهَداء | martyr | |
رَفَعَ، يَرفَعُ، الرَّفْع | to lift, raise sth; to increase, boost sth; to lodge على against sb (a complaint) | |
عادة ات | habit, custom, practice | |
عادةً | usually, generally, typically | |
ضَغْط، ضُغوط | pressing, exerting pressure; pressure, stress; voltage | |
سَهْم، أسهُم | (econ) share, stock | |
سَهْم، سِهام | arrow | |
زَمان | time, period, duration | |
من زَمانٍ | (it has been) for some time; (it was) a long time ago | |
مَسألة، مَسائِل | issue, affair; matter, question | |
كَوْن | being, by virtue of being | |
لِكَوْنِ | because | |
الكَوْن | the universe, existence | |
جَريمة، جَرائِم | crime | |
إرهاب | terror, terrorism; terrorizing, frightening | |
قَدْر | extent, degree; amount, value; ability, capability, capacity | |
نِهائيّ ات | final, definitive, conclusive; final (in sports) |
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