January 2015 update
Author is now exactly 3 months old. 🙂
In this short time, this website has improved a lot and you've given us so much clarity on what we should be focused on next thanks to your super helpful feedback.
Over the past few weeks alone we've more than tripled our members which is just amazing.
We really hope you've been finding the material here useful for your Arabic so far. It's still only the very beginning and our awesome small team is already expanding to help produce more high quality content for you.
Thank you for your support up until now and please keep steering this project in the right direction with your feedback so we can continue to make it even better for you.
The best way to show your continued support at this early stage (other than becoming a member of course if you haven't already) is to let your friends, colleagues and classmates know about us. We'd be so appreciative if you'd continue to share the content you like on Facebook and other social media to spread the word so that other Arabic learners can find us easily.
You'll see share buttons all over the site on every page - if you see or hear something you like, a simple click can make a huge difference and help us a lot.
Thanks. 🙂
These are just a few of the things we're turning our focus to now thanks to the feedback you've given us:
1. Better navigation.
Up until now, the dialect pages have had a single drop-down list of lessons and three sub-list buttons ordering by level. Since there are currently hundreds of individual lessons (both free and paid content) on the site which is getting larger every week, a more convenient way to navigate content is becoming our top priority.
2. Better transcripts, more lesson notes and extended MP3's with less English
You'll notice that we're gradually rolling out an additional 'Lesson Notes' feature for a lot of the content where a more detailed explanation is given in addition to the transcript. We'll be revising a lot of the old content to improve the quality of the transcripts, extend and improve the MP3's, and add lesson notes.
3. Lots more video.
Our small team has been doing an outstanding job putting together helpful videos for Arabic learners lately. Since people have had a lot of positive things to say about them so far, we'll be increasing the frequency and dialect variation of our videos.
4. More modules.
We've put together more excellent, comprehensive modules on various, useful topics that'll be up soon.
How have you been finding so far?
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