7 Perfect Reasons To Learn Jordanian Arabic


Are you interested in learning Spoken Arabic but undecided as to which dialect to choose?
Out of all the various Arabic dialects available, why would a non-native pick up Jordanian Arabic?
You might have heard that Egyptian Arabic is the most popular Arabic dialect due to its influence in the film and entertainment industry.
Or perhaps Gulf Arabic is the way to go if you’re thinking of doing business in the oil-rich region due to its global economic importance.
But don’t be so fast to dismiss Jordanian Arabic as a potential choice.
In this post, you’ll discover seven reasons why Jordanian Arabic can be a great choice for all Arabic learners.
- Jordanian Arabic is not far apart from Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)
It is quite common to hear most Arabs declaring that their own dialect is the closest to MSA.
However, if you were to solely compare between MSA and Jordanian Arabic, you’ll realize that both of them are not very far apart.
There are definitely differences in terms of everyday vocabulary and pronunciation of certain letters.
However, if you allow for some tweaks and drop the grammar complexity present in MSA, the spoken dialect can easily be described as a simplified or a stripped-down version of the formal language.
While learning both MSA and an Arabic dialect is not encouraged, it is both a wise and favorable decision for students who already have a background in MSA to pick up Jordanian Arabic as their first Arabic dialect.
- Learn one, get three free.
Levantine Arabic generally refers to the dialect spoken in Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.
Since Jordanian Arabic is one of the sub-dialects of Levantine Arabic, learning Jordanian Arabic will not only enable you to converse with Jordanians but also Arabs from the other Levant countries.
Differences do exist between the sub-dialects of Levantine Arabic but they are minimal and are easy to grasp once you have a good foundation in Jordanian Arabic.
In general, Arabs from the Levant are able to understand each other just fine no matter the country that they are from.
Therefore, it is almost like a “buy one, get three free” concept. Learn Jordanian Arabic and it will pave the way for you to learn the remaining dialects of Levantine Arabic easily.
The choice to learn Jordanian Arabic is a great deal not to be missed.
- Connect with the Jordanian diaspora worldwide
Learning Jordanian Arabic does not mean that you have be in Jordan in order to practice speaking it.
Jordan, like other developed countries, faces the problem of brain drain and fears losing its brightest people to other world economies.
As a result, it is possible to find Jordanians studying, working and residing in other countries such as the United States, the Gulf region and Australia, just to name a few.
So if you’re learning Jordanian Arabic, why not check if there’s a Jordanian diaspora in your city and connect with them?
And who knows? You might even bump into a Jordanian family during your travels!
All in all, learning Jordanian Arabic will allow you to connect with the Jordanian diaspora wherever you are.
- Jordan makes for a great travel destination
If you’re learning Jordanian Arabic, chances are that you’ll be motivated to visit Jordan at some point in your life.
And Jordan makes for a great travel destination for both history and adventure enthusiasts.
For example, Jordan is home to Petra - a fascinating, ancient and once lost city that has been chosen as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
Famously described as a “red-rose city” due to its gorgeous pink sandstone cliffs, Petra’s magnificent history and scenic viewpoints make for an unforgettable experience.
Jordan is also home to stunning roman ruins, desert castles, canyons as well as the Dead Sea.
Last but not least, Jordan remains generally a safe place for travelers despite being surrounded by countries affected by conflict.
Besides, four million plus tourists each year can’t be wrong. So book a trip to Jordan and be prepared to be wowed by its natural beauty!
With a working knowledge of Jordanian Arabic in hand, chances are higher for you to score brownie points with the locals and receive greater discounts on your souvenirs.
- Jordan is a great place for language immersion
Doing a language immersion in Amman, Jordan is a great investment due to the plenty of opportunities to practice conversing with natives on an everyday basis.
Although Amman’s youths are educated and are able to speak English, the primary language of communication is still generally done in Jordanian Arabic.
Amman is unlike other cities such as Beirut or Dubai where foreigners can get by easily with English on a daily basis without the need for a working knowledge in Spoken Arabic.
Therefore Amman, Jordan remains a popular city for university students abroad to partake in a short intensive summer program since speaking opportunities are in abundant.
Should you decide to undertake a language immersion, it is important to ensure that there would be daily opportunities to practice speaking in the target language.
Therefore, Jordan is a great place to be and Jordanian Arabic is the dialect to pick!
- Jordanians are very friendly and hospitable people
It is a common perception even among Jordanians themselves that they are a pretty grumpy bunch of people.
With costs of living and unemployment rate raising, life can be grim with no reasons to smile.
However, don’t let their tough demeanor fool you because Jordanians are actually very friendly people. A simple hello is enough to break the ice and you’ll see their frowns turning into smiles.
With their friendly disposition, it is not difficult to find language partners and form lasting friendships.
In addition, Jordanians value hospitality and take their guests seriously. Don’t be surprised if Jordanians that you’ve been making small talk with invite you over for lunch at their homes with their families.
Sometimes, it is even possible for you to be invited to one of their relatives’ wedding!
A good example of Jordanian hospitality can be seen during a trip to Petra where it is a common occurrence for tourists to be invited by the Bedouins to sit and drink teas in their makeshift tents.
If you do get invited and are not in a hurry, why not accept their invitation and experience true Jordanian hospitality for yourself?
- King Abdullah and Queen Rania are ultimate couples goals
If only you knew about the love story behind the Jordanian iconic royal couple that screams relationship goals, you would definitely want to pick up Jordanian Arabic right this instance.
It was love at first sight for King Abdullah when he first set his eyes upon his future bride at a dinner party and fast forward to 2019, the couple will be celebrating their 26th wedding anniversary this year.
The Jordanian royal couple has not only managed to win the public over through the manner they present themselves in the public eye with such poise, grace and charm, but also through their leadership skills.
King Abdullah II is famously known for his image as a down-to-earth king who champions religious tolerance while Queen Rania is an influential and strong advocate for both women’s right and education.
It is of no wonder that Jordan’s ruling couple is generally highly respected and well loved by the majority of Jordanians.
In order to succeed in language learning, you’ll have to eat, breathe and sleep everything that is related to the language.
And who would have guessed that the real life fairy-tale between the Jordanian royal couple may just be the additional boost you never knew you needed to finally get started on learning Jordanian Arabic?
So there you have it: 7 reasons why you should learn Jordanian Arabic!
I hope that you’ve now gained a slightly better understanding of Jordan, its people and its spoken language.
Did any of the reasons resonate with you?
What’s your main reason for learning Jordanian Arabic?
Leave a comment and tell me all about it!
This post was contributed by Harilyn Tahir.