Saudi Cartoon Masameer (مسامير)


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This is a clip from an animated Youtube series known as 'Masameer' “مسامير". In Arabic the literal translation means nails/fasteners.
UPDATE: This video clip is no longer available.
This series is known for presenting local issues in very short comedy like sketches. In this clip here you'll find multiple dialects used. Both Fus7a Arabic and the Saudi dialect are part of the characters' dialogue.
Note: There are some MSA lines in this clip so we've separated them from the Saudi dialect content by color below.
My darling Conseula, I love you very much.
Do you love me very much?
Oh yes, Alejandro. I love you very much.
Saudi dialect
Did you pay the Tagaga?
My aunt paid her. They're expensive.
Oh my love.
Can't you see?
Don't you know how to drive whether it's on land or the sea?
Hey, what are you doing there?
Get down!
Saudi dialect
Get down? It's not my problem... you're the one who doesn't know how to drive.
One tower in this entire sea and you couldn't move from 15 kilometers away?
Huh? Where are we?
Where do you think we are? In Riyadh.
Riyadh? What I know is that Riyadh is not covered with water.
Saudi dialect
Yeah we had a little bit of rain two days ago.
One minute, one minute... Hello? 45 have died?
Why does it concern me?
Man, forget about this matter... what happened to the (other) thing?
The one I asked you about.
No way, man!
Saltoo7 (the guy's name), swear!
Tomorrow's a holiday!
A local female wedding singer. This is her profession's name and it comes from using a musical instrument known as ''Al-6ar'' which is a one-sided drum held by both hands.
It's one of the most high paying jobs for females and in this market the more famous she is, the more expensive and hired she'll be.
This is an idiom, mostly defined as a curse or an evil wish. Its literal meaning is Allah (God), La (No), Yrabi7hin (Gain) (plural feminine).
So basically its saying something like, hopefully God won't grant you any good gain out of something.
Also another idiom - another evil wish. Its literal meaning is 3asak (May/Wish), Lil3ama (to be blind).
So he's just cursing the other person for his behavior of not seeing him by wishing him to be blind.
Just a simple question. Ana (I), Wish (What), Da5alni (Made me part of), Feek (You). He's saying What made me part of your stuff (problems)?
Ma (Not), 2drat (Could), Twa5er (Move aside).
So he's just questioning ironically, couldn't you move?
Saltoo7 is a very ghetto kind of a name or even a nickname. Amanah (For real), 2il (Say), 2asam (Swear).
In Saudi when you ask someone using 2il 2asam its like asking them to say the word 2asam as a proof of their sincerity.